a difficult but necessary conversation with my mother before i cut her out of my life forever
“ What ‘s the point in being afraid of something that hasn’t happened yet ? “
In September 2O24, Danielle James And Her Mother Spent Two Weeks Recording The Most Difficult Conversations A Mother And Transexual Daughter Could Possibly Hope To Have With One Another.
Now, They Have Combined These Recordings To Create One Mega-Conversation, The Last They Will Ever Have, And They’re Inviting You To The First Draft’s First Showing.
An Experiment In Live And Verbatim Theatre, ‘A Difficult But Necessary Conversation With My Mother Before I Cut Her Out Of My Life Forever’ Explores Truth, Power, And Shared Trauma In The Context Of The Relationship Between Trans Women And Their Mothers.
(As part of the next page programme)
D Danielle James
M Donna Coulling
Directors piss / CARNATION
The culture I hope to create with this piece is one that reaches out to parents and young people who may also benefit from engaging in conversations the same way my mother and i did.
As part of our Arts Council FUnded Bid in 2025, we started the journey to create bespoke workshops for trans people and their parents. Over two days, we talked, laughed, cried, and learned from eachother’s incredible lives and stories. And we made some fabulous badges. It was amazing.
We hope to run these workshops whenever we have a run of the show, but also hope that there is a sustainable model for running workshops of these kind in any and every context.
Our blueprinting workshops took place in february 2025 at hackney showroom. Our craft session was with badge cafe. our original workshop attendees were georgie, aubrey, dianne, hannah, ishmael, Jane, Tracey, and lee. i am eternally grateful for their support.